上传自己的镜像被拒绝denied: requested access to the resource is denied

  1. 我登录账号后想要上传自己保持的镜像。
    PS D:\go\category> docker images
    REPOSITORY         TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
    category-service   latest    adc499dad36e   2 minutes ago   39.1MB
    user               latest    53d7fd0624c4   23 hours ago    38MB
    PS D:\go\category> docker push category-service
    Using default tag: latest
    The push refers to repository [docker.io/library/category-service]
    b5a5a8983d80: Preparing
    8d3ac3489996: Preparing
    denied: requested access to the resource is denied

    报了denied: requested access to the resource is denied异常

    • 解决办法: 需要使用 docker tag改名字 再次push 一下
      PS D:\go\category> docker tag adc499dad36e 2206691630/category-service:latest
      PS D:\go\category> docker images
      REPOSITORY                    TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
      category-service              latest    adc499dad36e   6 minutes ago   39.1MB
      2206691630/category-service   latest    adc499dad36e   6 minutes ago   39.1MB
      user                          latest    53d7fd0624c4   23 hours ago    38MB
      PS D:\go\category> docker push 2206691630/category-service:latest
      The push refers to repository [docker.io/2206691630/category-service]
      b5a5a8983d80: Pushed
      8d3ac3489996: Pushed
      latest: digest: sha256:fd6c8541589dcf7da87ab90c27dd98ac29f5684add7231f965b14df1616ba6dc size: 739
      PS D:\go\category>

      上传自己的镜像被拒绝denied: requested access to the resource is denied


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Warning: error_log(/www/wwwroot/www.z88j.com/wp-content/plugins/spider-analyser/#log/log-2410.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/wwwroot/www.z88j.com/wp-content/plugins/spider-analyser/spider.class.php on line 2900